Facebook has announced that they have been working on a new dating service, imaginatively called Dating. The new app will be incorporated into Facebook but separated from your main account. It will create a new account just for Dating that will consist of just the users’ first name. None of your friends from your main account will be able to see any activity on your Dating account and will never appear as matches for you, in order to preserve your privacy.
Potentially, this could spell trouble for dating apps like Tinder. In order to create a successful match, a dating app has to have relevant data, and when it comes to gathering data on their users, Facebook is the absolute world champion. Tinder doesn’t stand a chance on that field. The huge amounts of data, including our interests, hobbies, places and events we visit and a myriad of other details about our life we volunteered to Facebook will allow its algorithms to find a perfect match for any of us. Just doing a crosscheck on people who liked the same or similar posts like we did in the last ten days will yield an amazing starting point. Further refinement will only increase the chances of Facebook finding someone perfect for us on the first try.
One major point of concern for Tinder is that it relies heavily on Facebook data. The app will automatically pull your Facebook profile and fill in the blanks like the address for you. Without Facebook, it is debatable whether Tinder could even exist. What happens when Tinder is forced to compete with Facebook’s app for its users? Guess who will get cut off from Facebook.
This move makes perfect sense for Facebook. In fact, may wonder why it didn’t occur earlier, considering that the social media giant was designed on similar principles, like a game of “hot or not” for Harvard students. Some would even go as far as to claim that it was Tinder before Tinder.
Ironically, the very thing that allows Facebook to be successful is also hindering their chances. After all the data gathering and theft, people are extremely reluctant to trust them even with something less sensitive than their sexual activities online. This can be Tinder’s saving grace.
Dating sites, like BritishShaggers.com, aren’t as disturbed by the latest Zuckerberg’s idea. Unlike dating apps, we have honed our communities over the years and for the most part, our members are happy with our service, you can sign up for free right here. We will continue to serve as our users’ main source of quick hookups and casual sex, regardless of Facebook’s newest addition. Unlike dating apps, which seemed to be in line for some serious drubbing, sex contacts sites like ours will most likely remain untouched by Dating.
One thing that may be impacted it the influx of the new members, but that will only last until the next Facebook’s scandal, after which it will be business as usual.